Fatty Legs by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton (grades 4-6)
"Fatty Legs" follows the powerful story of residential schools. The story follows the experience of Pokiak-Fenton, an eight year old girl who goes to residential school. She begged her parents to go, as it was her dream to learn how to read. However, when she arrives to residential school, it is not what she imagined. This book talks about the terrible and traumatic treatment that she received at the school, specfically from one nun. Pokiak-Fenton describes the experience of having her hair cut, being held in a locked, dark basement, and the humiliation and embarassment of wearing red socks as a punishment for her actions. This story teachers us about the devastating and traumatic reality of the residential school system. In 2010, "Fatty Legs" was named one of the best children's books of the year by the Globe and Mail.