WRiting Contest #2


Speeches of change


Primary Category Winning SUbmissions

Celery Should Taste Like Ice Cream
By Caleb Wang
First Place, Primary Category

I bet you have a food you really like, but I bet there are also foods that make you go YUCK! BLECH! DISGUSTING! For me, that food is celery. I dislike it so much, I call it smellery! Greetings, fellow food eaters! My name is Caleb, and today, my speech is about why we should make celery taste like ice cream.

Celery does NOT taste good. If you think so, WRONG! It tastes and smells like the earth, and when you bite into it, it is crunchy and wet at the same time, which is just wrong. The taste of the juice is very weird, and it has long stringy strings that feel weird, too.

But here’s the thing: I still HAVE to eat celery, even though it is gross. I have to eat it because it is healthy. It has stuff I need, like fiber and vitamins A and C, plus some iron… so yah, it’s good for me. But… IT TASTES TERRIBLE! YUCK!

So, here is my plan: make it taste like ice cream. Ice cream is sweet and creamy and I could eat it all day. All over the world, there are lots of kids who don’t like celery, just like me. If celery could taste like ice cream, all of those kids would be very excited, and would ask their mom and dad to buy it for them. So all the kids, including me, would be healthy AND happy.

In summary, I wish all the celery in the world would taste like ice cream. Plus, since I invented the idea, I would get to be rich and famous, right? Thank you for listening to my celery plan.

Why there should be no more school
By Calum Kwok
Second Place, Primary Category

Imagine everybody went to school and never took any breaks! What kind of a world would this be? Everyone would just be doing boring things all the time. This is not a world worth living in and I would move to another planet if this is my future. Hi mom and dad today I will be explaining to you why I shouldn’t have to go to school anymore.

Instead of going to school, I could spend more working on important things. I could spend more time studying for all my tests. This would allow me to actually learn more than if I was in school. I could spend more time cleaning the house. This would make your lives easier and in general I would just be more helpful. Finally, I could spend my time going to extracurricular activities that I actually enjoy. Such as Taekwondo, BASA classes, and soccer. This will let me learn about things that I am passionate about and would let me get more exercise than if I was sitting in a classroom.

Let me tell you why school is bad for me. At school, there may be big kids or bullies that may push me or make fun of me. This would obviously not be good for learning. Second, my teacher gives me wayyyy too much homework. Writing might make me get tired and lose my hand and even get a headache. There is also a possibility that there will be a lot of kids in my class that are sick. Going to school would be a health risk for me.

There are a lot of benefits of not going to school. First, I can go to the library to borrow books to learn about the same subjects but have more fun working. Secondly I could work at home. This would be helpful for everyone because we could sleep in and you wouldn’t need to drive me to school. Lastly, I could actually spend time learning about subjects that I care about such as myths, history, and all about minerals.

Today I told you all the reasons why I shouldn’t have to go to school anymore. Remember everyone would have way more fun and save so much time if I never had to go to school.

By Nathan Zeng
Third Place, Primary Category

What do you do when there’s a power outage? Well, thanks for coming in. My name is Nathan and I’m here to tell you how to take care of a power outage. There are three things you need to find: Light, Food, and Water.

For light, we have to bring emergency flashlights because you can’t see anything when it’s dark. You can keep the flashlights in your bedroom or somewhere easy where you can find them. You can also use candles if you have them, just don’t burn your hand. You can also use any electronics, like phones or iPads.

Next, you got to have food. So, if you have a snack collection, like me, then you can eat those, but if you don’t, you can eat snacks in the fridge or just any type of snacks you have. I recommend cheese or marshmallows because they’re a good combo.

Finally, you need to find water. You can drink water you buy or water from the tap, but if it’s not for drinking, then boil it. You can also do juice boxes or just any drink you want. I recommend ice tea.

So now you know how to take care of yourself and you can fix the power outage just by waiting, because waiting is fixing! Thank you for listening.