WRiting Contest #1


Stories of change


Change is a universal experience—whether it’s starting a new grade, a shift in relationships, a change in the seasons, society, or even the environment around you. It can be thrilling, challenging, or bittersweet. We want to hear your stories about how change impacts people, places, or ideas. Let your words explore the many aspects of change, from the quiet moments of growth to the sweeping forces that alter lives forever.
We invite all BASAuthors to participate in our Story Writing Contest, centered on the powerful theme of "Change."

How to participate

Word Count:

  • Grade 5 and below - 500 words MAX

  • Grade 6 and above - 1000 words MAX


  • Wednesday Oct 2, 2024


  • Send your story to your BASA teacher to submit on your behalf

Contest Winners:

Keep your eyes on this space when the winners are announced….