First Place: The Red Planet By Ethan Li (Gr. 4)
Apollo woke up and looked outside at the lush, green landscape. Even though he had seen the Martian sunrise hundreds of times, it still looked as odd to him as it had since the colonization began.
He still found it fascinating that Mars used to be red. Yet now, as he looked out his window, he saw grass and trees everywhere. As the morning progressed, Apollo’s home woke up. Literally. His nanobot house rearranged itself, revealing the various rooms. Apollo began getting ready for another eventful day. The weather was especially nice today, so Apollo decided to do some hiking.
As he headed outside, a blurry grey blob caught his attention. Apollo turned around swiftly, but there was nothing there. Could it have been one of the aliens that the local news was talking about? There had been a number of raids from the food compartments and the only remains of the thieves were a few drops of grey slime. Apollo continued on his path, when suddenly everything went black.
When Apollo woke up, there were several beady black eyes staring at him. “We wooould like to ssspeak to you,” a voice declared. Then, a chant:
“We aren’t here to make a pact,
But to counter evil acts!
These humans have destroyed our land
Now finally we will stand!
They outnumber us three to one
But in the end it is they who are done.”
Apollo lay there, horrified. Behind the gray blobs, the Martian sky turned blood red.

Second Place: Cy By Anthony Li (Gr. 5)
John carefully slipped through the woods a shortcut to avoid the school bully. A twig snapped behind him and he jumped 5 feet up, he was extremely cautious. He waited for a minute and continued. As he walked he noticed something strange. Even though it was early in the morning it got darker as he walked on until it was pitch black. John felt something behind him but he didn’t get the time needed to turn around…because he blacked out…
John had a nightmare about Andy making fun of his name.
“Yo guys, I need to use the John,” imaginary Andy mocked. His goons snickered, making faces at John insulting him. John was used to it, but this time Andy turned around and punched him. John didn’t feel a thing; he just woke up in sweat.
He looked around and remembered what happened before he blacked out. John’s shoulders grew increasingly tense after recalling but the site he was at seemed so peaceful. There weren’t many leaves on the ground before, but now the ground was carpeted with leaves. John decided to check it out and he gently swept away the leaves.
There was a hole under the carpet and John decided that he was brave enough to go in. It seemed quite shallow but when he jumped in, it was quite a fall, he even sprained an ankle! He looked around to see a cyborg staring at him with a glowing red eye...

Third Place: Invasion of the Earth Part 2: Area 51 By Alex Wong (Gr. 5)
I was driving, but I had no idea where to go. My car had all terrain tires, so I drove off the road and into the grass, instead of pulling over. My quadcopter had finished its scan, so it landed near me, where I packed it up. I suddenly had the thought of going to Area 51, a secret naval base there had been rumors about everywhere. The rumors said it would be in Nevada, which would be a long drive to get there. I drove there, and I had to refuel several times. Once I had got there, a guard asked me for identification. Instead, I told him that I had valuable information, and I showed him it. He let me in, and showed me to the general's room. “Who thinks they’re so important to storm into this room during a meeting?!” yelled a general, looking very mad. “He claims to have information about the recent bombing sir,” said the guard. I showed him the recording of my scan, in infrared, x-ray, and normal mode. All of the generals were interested, and one said into a speaker, “Bring in the space jets Sergeant James! We’re going to defeat the enemies before they can strike again!” But they did strike again. The generals showed me to the control room, and a giant sphere that looked like the Death Star came into view in one of the large screens. A green laser shot at the nearby moon, which blew up. Everybody was scared, but one general said “Gather everybody who is good at playing on the Super Nintendo Entertainment system.” I volunteered, and later a guy named General Clark was in a large warehouse, where he showed us space jets. They had no heads-up displays, but projectors to show a targeting screen. The controls had status bars and shield activators, but the main controls looked like a Super Nintendo Entertainment System controller. We practiced in simulators, and we were ready in a few hours.

Honourable Mention: XYA by Ethan Kapoor (Gr. 5)
A dark, thin, spaceship appeared above the playground. We all were frozen in shock. Before I had a chance to scream I was being pulled up to the UFO in a tractor beam. I kicked and squirmed trying to get out, but it was hopeless. Inside the ship I was surrounded by a transparent force-field. I frantically looked around the room for a way out. There was only a small computer standing on a pure white table.
“Welcome.” A voice echoed within the cold room. I kicked the force-field, but my leg bounced back at me.
“Who are you?!” I yelled. My voice boomed within the room.
A small, pixelated, face took shape on the computer. “My name is XYA.” The voice responded. “I come from the planet of TECH. We have been searching for smart creatures to become our slaves.” All of a sudden the spacecraft began to shake, throwing me around the force-field.
A computer on wheels made its way into the room. “Sir, our ship isn’t meant for this much gravity.”
“Well fix it, you fool!” thundered XYA.
“I believe my name is Dr. Computerthingy, not fool,” replied the computer.
Then *SNAP*, the ship broke in two. I was falling, falling, then blackness.
I woke up lying in the park, dazed. The dirt tasted like rotten cheese in toothpaste. People were screaming as the lasers hit the streets making jagged holes in the ground. Above me the sky was cluttered with alien ships. Oh no, I thought.

Honourable Mention: Matthew and the Attic by Eddy Cheng (Gr. 5)
I woke up in the afternoon. I heard some creaking floorboards but I ignored them but each time I ignored it, it got louder and LOUDER. I felt a chill climbing up my spine. I ran downstairs looking for my mom but she wasn't there. I went back upstairs to the attic where I heard the creaking. I looked around and only saw dust, but I looked behind me and saw this huge weird glowy thing that had ooze dripping out of a pipe. The ooze was lime coloured and glowy, I opened the thing and it had this weird light green guy with huge eyes. “Is that an alien?” screaming in frightness, I called my neighbours through the window but they said there dealing with something and someone. I think there's that box thing in each house on our block. I walk away from the window and see it again and chomp my dog! I woke up and it was all a dream, WOW maybe that's a massage from outer space. Ok now some stuff about me.
Hi, I'm Matthew Harper, born in Lakewood, Denver. I’ve got a younger sister called Addie. I'm 11, I'm going to turn 12 when it's November, and all my cousins and friends are going to this National Grayer Park, named after my great-grandpa when it’s my birthday. My best buds are Brodie, Henrik, Pat, Meyers and Avery.
None of that has anything to do with aliens but it has everything to do with me.

Honourable Mention: Buzz the Bee Makes a Friend By Reina Sui (Gr. 4)
Finally, he flipped to: How to make honeycomb--
Buzz the Robo-bee was in his computerized hive, surrounded by walls of wax, wood, and computer chips. It was boring without his owner, who had gone to buy books for Buzz, like The Computer Virus in Robo-Street. Buzz decided to do something special for his owner.
He checked the honey jars first, ten feet wide and twice as tall.
“Whoa!” cried Buzz. “Owner has to get them out before I make more!”
Next, he went to the kitchen, sipping warm water with honey. Buzz grabbed his very special secret recipe family cookbook from the cupboard. He flipped to a page: How to make warm water with honey. He was sipping some right now! So, Buzz flipped to: How to make sugar cookies with honey, but Buzz didn’t have any cookie dough left, and felt disappointed.
Buzz looked out to see bees with golden stripes like the sun, and dark strips like the night sky.
“Hi!” Buzz shouted. Everyone ignored him--they didn’t want to befriend someone from a computerized hive. He felt like screaming at them.
Suddenly, Buzz saw a bee with drooping antennae and heavy wings. He noticed that the bee was also a robo-bee, like him!
“Hi! I’m Buzz the Bee.”
The bee giggled. “How silly! I’m Buzz 1000!”
After some chatting , they became friends and also tried out the new honeycomb recipe and shared it with their owners.

Honourable Mention: I Brought Back Frankenstein by Ian Choi (Gr. 4)
I was in my laboratory, trying to bring back Frankenstein. I needed to use test tubes to see which one would work. At last, I made Frankenstein. But he was not evil like other Frankensteins. He was nice and happy, instead of scary and terrifying.
The first thing he said was, “Will you be my friend?”
He was not a human, so I was worried, because I’d never had a non-human friend before. However, I said “Fine, but we’re not real friends until we are friendly to each other. Okay?”
“Okay!” he said.
“To be real friends we need to play together and talk to each other, okay?”
“Okay!” he said.
“Now let us play a game called catch together, okay?”
“Okay!” he said.
“Here, catch it!” and I threw the ball. He caught it, then he threw it back at me, but he threw it way too hard. I kind of hurt the heel of my hand, so we went back home to sleep. We laid down, and I decided: on the outside I do not like him, but on the inside he is nice.

Honourable Mention: How the Humans Went Extinct By Kai Yee Li (Gr. 5)
“What story do you think we’ll hear today?” asked Staalon, [s-t-A-l-on], sitting with her legs crossed, all four arms on her lap. “Yeah!”said Globa [glob-ah]. Globa was shaped like a lizard creature made of clear goo and with six legs. “I LOVE his stories!” The whole room was filled with the buzzing of alien children of all kinds chatting when suddenly, “Ahem.” The storyteller had arrived. “Today I am going to be telling how self conflict can wipe out an entire species,” said the storyteller. “Once upon a time…” The room slowly fell into a trance as he began the tale. Once upon a time there was an ancient civilization called humans. They evolved from an unintelligent group to the most evolved creatures in the whole multiverse. One day, all of the scientists had created a type of bullet that could kill you the moment it was shot. The problem was, all the countries wanted themselves to be the only ones that could use them. Eventually, the conflict got so huge that the counties declared war on each other. Soon, joining the battle was mandatory for all. Two years later, the whole species was wiped out…. “T-t-that’s so s-s-sad…” said Globa, honking her nose on a tissue. Soon, all the children were in a gloomy mood, silently honouring the advanced humans who had come and gone. All the children went home, knowing how much selfishness can cost you.

Honourable Mention: The Portal That Wasn’t by Jonathan Li (Gr. 4)
Jordan woke to a robotic voice calling him. “Here is a cup of tea Master.”
“No thank you,” Jordan said.
Ten minutes later Jordan hopped in a mini-ship and blasted off the ISS. But a tingly feeling remained in Jordan’s stomach.
Suddenly, the great magical portal that the “Creator” left behind appeared. It was only recently discovered by the scientist, Zacme Asmov. Jordan felt proud. He was the last man on earth to go through.
He took a selfie with the ever-changing sun as it turned into a black hole.
Then, the worst possible things started happening. The portal started closing. A UFO flew toward him.
Jordan gunned the engines. The portal was shrinking fast! The mini-ship flew through--
But not in time.
The alien ship landed next to him. It covered Jordan with shielding. But there was no need. The black hole “Blinked” and disappeared.
“Hello!” The alien got off the UFO. “I know what you have been through. I was also the last of my kind to go through our portal. Now, come in for a cup of tea!”
Soon, their little tea party was over and the alien went to leave.
“No,” Jordan yelled! “Stay please!”
“I’m sorry Jordan but I can’t stay.”
The alien ship disappeared. Jordan fell to the ground and something hit him on the head. A letter? Most odd. As Jordan read it, his tears fell. He may be the only man on earth, but he knew someone was out there for him.

Honourable Mention: By Elizabeth Feng (Gr. 5)
Robbie signalled to her from the edge of the forest with a blip, blip, bleep of light like he always did at 8:46pm (which was breakfast on his planet a million miles away). Josephinia ran towards the light as she loved to do, but tonight’s light was strange, with a red tint that frightened her and prompted her feet to run faster. It looked like glowing, glowering angry eyes. Her heart pounded like her footsteps through the dry rocks and grass, and Robbie’s light grew brighter and brighter red. And suddenly, it stopped and she did not know which direction to run.
She tripped on a bramble, then stopped. A strange sound came from the edge of the woods. “Garble, blip. Garble, blip.” Josephinia had spent enough time with Robbie to understand basic robotic, and she was not enjoying what she heard. “Garble, blip, garble!” Then, abruptly, “BLEEEEEEEEPPPPPAAAAAAASCCCCCCRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!”
The sound was robotic, and like an animal in pain. She was drawn to it and stepped closer and closer to the red eyes, and mournful noises.

Honourable Mention: Tour of the Future By Amanda Ho (Gr. 4)
Welcome to Canada, year 3030! C’mon!
The shops contain the highest quality things from big, sweet oranges, to sparkling crowns for rulers. All the shops have amazing names! See, that one is named ""Spring Wonders"". Why are you laughing? That's my favourite shop… Hmp. You rude.
WOOSH! Aww, don't be afraid, it's just a flying car! Wait, where you come from has NO flying cars?!? I hope this is some kind of joke... Anyway, I was supposed to give you a tour.
Oooh look at the pet store! Let's go in! Look! The animal rights welfare made EVERYTHING good for pets. Anything bad: into the burn pit. A burn pit is where you dump trash and then burn it with controlled flames. I'm going to check out the animals. Look! Here's Ridrophia - a three headed snake. Lives in wetlands. It’s plain brown with three heads that look like its body. It ambushes its prey on land. Riprophia has beady, black eyes. The food it feeds on includes fish and eggs. Okay, that's all they have for today.
Let's go to my house! I'm sure you'll love it there. Now, where's my multitasker? Here, an iPad is also called a multitasker . *Beep*! My car came! C'mon in. Wroosh, squeech. I told you not to go supersonic speed! Sorry, Rover the car really likes going superspeed. By the way, where do you come from? ?! 2020?! Wow…
You have to leave? You have to? I hope you enjoyed the tour. Bye...

Honourable Mention: By Jayden Lee (Gr. 5)
I remember my childhood. In 2045 children were educated and raised by robots until we rebelled against them.
“I want kids to have a tough life just like when I was a child,” said Dr. Evil to himself.
“Robots will lock children in their houses and brainwash the parents to work for me! Muahahahahaha.”
Dr. Evil made a satellite in space replacing the robot's programs from good to evil.
I was playing soccer with my robot when its eyes turned red.
“Pass!” I yelled.
He passed it right into MY FACE!
“Hey!” I shouted across the field.
I went to my room and slammed the door. I gazed up into the sky through my window and I saw a blimp saying “Free Gas Forever” The location was included and I know it was an abandoned warehouse! I became suspicious. I knew my parents would be interested in this deal. Every parent would!
I called my friends and they told me they were experiencing the same thing. I sent out an email to every child in our province and told them to start an army, attack their robot and meet up at my house. I tackled and poured water on my robot to destroy him. I heard knocking at my door, like a hammer trying to hit a nail. I opened the door and saw everyone geared up!
“Freedom!” I yelled as we charged into the HQ, clicking the satellite self destruct button. We unbrainwashed our parents and the robots exploded!

Honourable Mention: By Annabelle Gu (Gr. 4)
The Portal in the Sky Summer was reading in her two storey house, when she looked out the window and —BONK! A man fell from the sky! Summer quickly ran outside the fallen man. She took the helmet off the astronaut and saw it was a dead NASA astronaut. Then she looked at his chest —Ahh! It’s all red! Summer recoiled and then looked close. A Maple Leaf. He’s Canadian! She ran back home and called NASA. She was put through to their call centre. “Hello?” Summer said, “I think one of your astronauts just fell from the sky!” “Sorry, we don’t listen to fictional stories.” In the sky, Summer saw that there was a PORTAL hovering in the clouds. “Hold on NASA! I think your Astronaut must have fallen through a portal in the sky!” “I’m sorry, but we don’t listen to prank calls.” The phone call ended. A few minutes later, a NASA spaceship fell from the portal. Summer Facetimed NASA so they can see the portal. She used another account she secretly knew so they couldn’t deny it. Summer used the PRIME MINISTER’S ACCOUNT! “Excuse moi. I think I saw your rocket ship destroy mon White House. There is a portal.” Summer showed the NASA astronauts the portal. NASA agreed to not send any more astronauts until this problem was fixed. Whew! All she needed to do was to deal with the portal. The next thing Summer did was call The United Nations, she pretended to be The Queen of England.