The Story of my Life by Caris Quan
We are born with only one body
And we live and change with it
My body has many stories
Like the time I belly flopped into a pool
Or when I bit through my lip
Falling down on the floor
The mole on my back was itchy
So it was frozen and holepunched
Two stitches to show where it was
So far I have lost half a dozen of teeth
And two years from today in the past
I got glasses to help me see
I get bruises a bunch every week
And cuts a few times a month
My body is always changing
To show the stories I have been through.

Our Galaxy by Curtis Leung
Infinite abyss of black and yellow
In space that goes on forever
It is a beautiful place with a billion stars
Our galaxy has a big black hole in the middle
We are here on Earth in our galaxy
We are on the continent North America
Our country is Canada
Our neighborhood is in Richmond
Our family looks up at the stars
Staring at the infinite abyss
It is a beautiful place

Ants by Kristy Wang
Ants get the food they take,
Together they have a feast they make
Ants help each other
They barely make you bothered
Baby ants look like grains of rice
Their parents look after them, so nice!
Ants need to protect their babies and themselves to survive
The food kind of helps them revive
They dig tunnels as a team
They always work like a dream.
Ants make long lines
It almost looks like an insect mine
They work together to make homes
They work together to make domes
They also find lots of food
Which puts them in a good mood!

Bake a Cake by Mizuki Maharjan
Bake a cake, bake a cake
Yum, yum, yum
Every person has to help
Come, come, come
Mommy brings the flour
Daddy brings the eggs
I bring the muscle power
Mix, mix, mix
Pop it in the oven
Watch it rise brown
It’s done, it’s done
Turn that frown upside down
First bite is heaven
Second bite is lovely
I lost count…
But I think I’m on bite number seven! It is so nubbly.