YHS Drinks:
1. Subject Strawberry Lemonade - includes biology, spanish, and chemistry
2. Yorkie Apple Juice - includes Candygrams, house events, and spirit weeks
3. Lunchtime Bubble Tea - includes friends, gossiping, and complaining about teachers

Hobby Appetizers:
1. Jigsaw Puzzle Truffle Fries - includes 1000 pieces, family, and music
2. Board Game Calamari - includes UNO Flip, shouting, and Cyrenius's competitive side
3. Movie Theatre Nachos - includes Barbie, Cruella (2021), and Matilda

BASA Mains:
1. Student Caesar Salad - includes Mr. Wong, speech exams, and writing contests
2. Faculty Assistant Pasta - includes adjudicating, rehearsal coaching, and cleaning
3. AmBASABurger - includes meetings, recitals, and duologues

Fun Facts Dessert:
1. "Coconut" Cheesecake - includes my dog, a squeaky toy, and fruit
2. Family TV Show Peanut Butter Bar - includes Wheel of Fortune, Amazing Race Canada, and Don't Forget The Lyrics
3. Badminton Chocolate Sundae - includes smashes, serves, and sweat

If you see Cyrenius on Friday evenings, feel free to talk to her about your favourite menu!